I know, I know. You aren't supposed to have exceptions to that statement. But damn, this girl is driving me crazy!!! And before you say it, I know, "It's a short trip".
Overall, my daughter is a delightful toddler. She is usually happy (when she is getting her way), she goes to bed at a decent time (but doesn't go to sleep), her sweet little voice beckons "Mommy" (constantly) AND she is a good eater (if it's mac & cheese, grilled cheese, or anything of cheese origin).
Normally, she goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00, but lately, she goes in, calls for us for a while and one of us inevitably goes in to see what she wants. Usually, it is another "snuggle", which is her term for me STANDING, holding her dead weight body and rocking to one of her songs. This child is 2 years and 8 months old. She is just getting too big for me to do this with. I would happily sit and rock back and forth for hours, but nooooooooo, not in this lifetime!
She then proceeds to babble and talk to her "babies" until maybe 9? Ok, fine. Except I have to wake her up to use the toilet before I go to bed and the longer she is up, the less sense that makes. The night before last, I was going to bed at around 9:30 because I was WIPED. (I'll get into that in a minute) It makes no sense in the world to me to wait until she is just asleep, tear her out of her crib and put her little tush on the ice cold toilet. But if I don't, sure enough, we have a leaking Pull-Up.
Now, three nights ago, when I went to bed at 9:00 because the lack of sleep was catching up to me, I forgot to get her up. I was lying in bed in that state of sleep where your brain works, but you can't move your body. During this ever useful state of sleep, I realized I forgot to get her up, but could do absolutely nothing to get my body moving. Next thing I know, she is crying in her room and it's 4:15 a.m. She was DRENCHED. Nothing says wake up like a wet bed and the following clean up!!!
After all that, I get her into new pj's and bring her into our bed, knowing she will headbutt me at least 6 times and probably push me off the bed, but eventually fall asleep. (She gets this from her father) No such luck. She absolutely tortured me and my husband until it was time to get up. None of us got any more sleep. It was hell on earth, quite literally. In fact, I had sprained my wrist and it was a pain in the butt healing, but finally felt like it was ok. As I am lying on my stomach, my little friend grabs my hand and wrenches it backward. TWICE. Awesome took on whole new meaning.
Not one of the three of us are pleasant when we are sleep deprived, least of all me. I'm sure you can imagine my irritation level with the constant "Mommy? What? Um........" "Mommy? What? Um........" DON'T CALL ME UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!!!! I don't actually say that to her, but it most definitely goes through my head.
She also likes to wait until my husband and I are starting a conversation to tell us everything in the world ie: "The light is green, go. The light is red, stop. Mommy, I see the digger! Daddy, what you doin'?" We can NOT have a three sentence conversation in under 10 minutes. It's getting ridiculous. I have been teaching her to say "Excuse me" if Mommy and Daddy are talking. Seemed like a good idea. However, if she interrupts and I say "You're being rude, what do you say?" We then get peppered with "Excuse me" for every darn thing she wants to say.
How can a 2 year old have THAT much going on?! I think her social life might be better than mine..... probably because I have to go to bed at 9:00 now. I don't even think Grammy goes to bed that early, and she is 98!! What happened to me? I used to be so cool. Right? Didn't I? I was....wasn't I? Oh man...
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